The 2023 KiwiSpan Award Winners
Donovan Group is on par with Australia’s industry leaders DonoBrace has been endorsed by Shearform. Donovan Group and Shearform are excited to be going into partnership together

Donovan Group is on par with Australia’s industry leaders DonoBrace has been endorsed by Shearform. Donovan Group and Shearform are excited to be going into partnership together
Donovan Group has taken aim at the market for light-gauge framing for housing and smaller-scale commercial buildings. Its latest business unit, MODNframe is already a major disrupter of the traditional timber-frame approach – but one element of the business will be key.
It’s now more than twelve months since Matt Woodley was appointed to the role of Chief Executive of Donovan Group, charged with bringing formalised structure to the vision of Donovan Group’s directors.
Being from a small country lends Donovan Group an important advantage in the American construction industry: its products are developed and refined in what is possibly the perfect prototype market, right here in New Zealand.
Warren Dingle is National Sales Manager for Modern Building Product – the arm of Donovan Group selling New Zealand designed construction products direct to industry. A one-man powerhouse of customer service excellence.
Donovan Group has welcomed a highly experienced new General Manager - NZ Operations, Fraser Haldane, to its team supporting the company ahead of a period of substantial growth across the teams involved in design, manufacturing, and distribution.
In a recent interview Director Kyle Donovan said that resilience and persistence are two characteristics of the more than 50-year old family business.
Living and working where we do, we can’t help but want to give back to the natural world around us.
Sometimes remembering where you come from is key to understanding where you are going. Director Kyle Donovan reflects on Donovan Group’s history so far, lessons from his father, and forecasts growth ahead as the company seeks to replicate its
Earlier this year we started to look for ways that we could make a genuine difference for both our people and our planet. Live Ocean Foundation stood out as an organisation that we wanted to support – and that
Prime Minister Bill English paid a visit to Whangarei on Friday 7 April, to meet with a local company which may have the solution to New Zealand’s housing crisis.
For the second year in a row, Donovan Group NZ Ltd has been named one of New Zealand’s top companies in the engineering industry